
Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 5, 2015

The Blacklist season 3 plot: Actor teases 'confusing kind of love' between Liz and Red when show returns

The Blacklist season 3
Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone) and Raymond Reddington (James Spader) in The Blacklist
The Blacklist season 2 finale ended with everyone on the run, as its central characters Liz and Red hopped on a van to flee the country together.
In the final moments we see Liz and Reddington (James Spader) driving off together, with Agent Keen now joining him on the FBI's most wanted list, and Director Cooper (Harry Lennix) being removed from his position and replaced by Agent Ressler.
The relationship between the show's lead character Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone) and Raymond Reddington (James Spader) has always been complicated.
In Episode 22 titled Masha Rostova, Liz remembers that she was the one who pulled the trigger and killed her father on the night of the fire. When Liz meets Red and tells him that she remembers everything, Red breaks own. A sweet moment between the two ensues, as Liz, finally realises the extent of his care for her.
It is obvious that they clearly care about each other very deeply, but is it romantic? Is it father- daughter love? Megan Boone, who plays Liz says, they share a confusing kind of love.
Boone told Zap2it that even she isn't entirely sure about the nature of their relationship, but she does know that it will have to be answered by the show.
"I think people see how much Red loves her, and it is a confusing kind of love," says Boone. "I think that will have to be answered. How do you love someone that deeply -- no matter what the circumstances, but especially when the circumstances are mysterious?"
Although Boone confirms that she doesn't think it's a romantic relationship, and that fans perhaps misread a comment she made a year ago to Gold Derby about the show being a "love story."
"I think she loves him," says Boone, "but I don't think there are romantic feelings. ... I don't necessarily think it's a [romantic] love story between Liz and Reddington, even though there are people out there that really feel that's what they want."
"I think it's interesting that people have so many feelings about Liz's love life, especially when it's really not the thing that's on the forefront of her mind," says Boone.
"She has so many other things that she's concerned about, but people are like, 'Just forget about your own identity, and all the things you're thinking about in your own life and just settle down."
Season 3 plot
Megan Boone tells Zap2it when The Blacklist season 3 returns, it is going to be a very different show.
"Season 3 is going to be the same characters but a different show, a very different dynamic," says Boone. "Because now Liz Keen is no longer working within the law."
Boone teased that with the task force imploding, the structure of the series is going to change.
"If you break open the entire task force, then it will be challenging to try to find the procedural aspect of the show again," says Boone.
"With 22 episodes a year, it does benefit the show to have some kind of a formula ... but we are going to sort of break open a lot of the structure of the show."

Has Keira Knightley given birth? Reports claim actress and husband James Righton have welcomed first child

Kiera Knightley
Keira Knightley and her husband James
Hollywood actress Keira Knightley has become a first-time mother after reportedly giving birth.
According to E! News, The Imitation Game star has welcomed her new addition with husband James Righton.
Although no further details have been made available, Knightley previously told Ellen DeGeneres that she was looking forward to being able to have an alcoholic drink.
"When can I drink? Please?" she joked to the talk-show host during an appearance earlier this year. "I just want a margarita! What other moms can relate to that?!"
She also admitted that she didn't have a birthing plan and was focusing on just getting it out.
"There isn't an option to sort of keep it in, is there?" she quipped. "So, I'm assuming my plan is to get it out. But apparently there's more to the plan than that. I don't know what that is. Still, my plan is to get it out. It will come out."
Knightley, who married Klaxons singer Righton in a small ceremony in Provence, France in spring 2013, confirmed her pregnancy after weeks of speculation in December 2014.
The 30-year-old star had previously opened up about her preferred parenting style in an interview with Vogue saying: "I don't want to deny my femininity. Would I want to be a stay-at-home mother? No. On the other hand, you should be allowed to do that, as should men, without being sneered at."

William Shatner could play Captain Kirk again, says Simon Pegg

Simon Pegg
Simon Pegg is scripting the latest Star Trek film
British actor Simon Pegg has hinted that William Shatner could make a comeback as Captain Kirk in the next Star Trek movie.
The 45-year-old star, who has teamed up with Doug Jung to co-write the script for Star Trek 3, made the revelation during the promotion tour for his new romantic comedy Man Up.
Captain Kirk
William Shatner as Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek
"William Shatner is an amazing actor [and] has such in incredible body of work which transcends just his time as Captain Kirk," he told Digital Spy.
"It's always about whether the story is right. There's no point crowbarring these things in as a gimmick because that does the story and the film a disservice.
"But I have no doubt in my mind that he could play Captain Kirk until the day he decided to go off into the final frontier."
Although Shatner did not reprise his iconic role in Star Trek or Star Trek Into Darkness, his former original series co-star Leonard Nimoy did.
The late actor, who is best-known for his portrayal of half-human, half-Vulcan character Mr Spock in the cult sci-fi TV series, appeared in both before his death in February.
Meanwhile, Pegg has refused to confirm or deny widespread speculation that the new project would be entitled Star Trek Beyond, insisting that the title was still "all to play for".
Star Trek 3 is scheduled for worldwide release on 8 July 2016. Fast and Furious's Justin Lin is set to direct, following the departure of JJ Abrams to direct Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Zayn Malik's first solo track after quitting One Direction to feature on Naughty Boy album

Zayn Malik
Zayn Malik's first solo song will be featured on Naughty Boy's next album. 
Zayn Malik's first solo single will be featured on Naughty Boy's new album.
The music producer confirmed that the former One Direction singer has recorded a song for his album, which will be ready "in a couple of months".
Naughty Boy, whose real name is Shahid Khan, said fans would be "shocked" to hear the new track.
Speaking at The 60th Anniversary Ivor Novello Awards, Naughty Boy, said: "Zayn is definitely going to be on the album. I'm keeping it interesting. I'm an artist person and I'm drawn to proper singers and artists and to me Zayn is the epitome of a great artist.
"Our track is going to be ready in a couple of months ... You are going to be shocked by what he comes out with ... I feel that the last five years have the most important for him but I feel he has a future beyond that."
The La La La producer has been working with the former One Direction singer since he sensationally quit the British boy band mid-way through their world tour.
Their collaboration led to a Twitter spat with Malik's former band mate Louis Tomlinson after Naughty Boy posted a recording of Malik just as fans were coming to terms with his exit from the band.
Tomlinson lashed out at the producer for his insensitivity. The two were later involved in another war of words on social media after the One Direction singer made jibes at Naughty Boy, prompting Malik to intervene in his defence.
This week, in an interview with Capital Radio, Liam Payne revealed that the reason for Malik quitting the band was that he wanted to spend more time with his fiancée, Little Mix singer Perrie Edwards.
"Sometimes you have to move on because you're not enjoying what you're doing as much as you used to," Liam told host Lisa Snowdon. "He wanted to spend time with his family and his missus. That's cool with us."
Accepting an award at The recent Billboard awards the band also acknowledged the contribution of their "brother Zayn" to their global success.
Making his first public appearance after the split at The Asian Awards in March, Malik also paid tribute to his former band mates describing them as "four of the best guys".
Accepting an award for his Outstanding Contribution to Music, he said: "I'd like to take this moment to thank four of the best guys that I ever met whilst being in the band and doing all the amazing things that I did. Some of the things that we did will stay with me for the rest of my life and I'm thankful for that."

Art Garfunkel calls Paul Simon a 'jerk' for split at peak of career

Paul Simon
Singer Paul Simon performs during the Rainforest Fund's 25th anniversary benefit concert in New York.
Art Garfunkel has spoken frankly about the frustration he felt following the split of Paul Simonand Garfunkel at the top of his career.
"How can you walk away from this lucky place on top of the world, Paul?" he rhetorically asked his band mate during a recent interview. "What's going on with you, you idiot? How could you let that go, jerk?"
It has been 45 years since the duo split after the release of their most famous album, Bridge Over Troubled Water. Since 1971, the pair have come together for a number of shows, however, from the 1970s to the 1990s, and in 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2009. Another reunion scheduled in 2010, but cancelled due to Garfunkel being unwell.
"Art has some problem with his vocal cords," Simon told the Today programme back in 2012, before adding: "I would just as soon not go back and visit the past."
Garfunkel told the Telegraph that Simon's decision to part from the singer was "very strange".
He went on to say: "I want to open up about this. I don't want to say any anti-Paul Simon things, but it seems very perverse to not enjoy the glory. Crazy. What I would have done is take a rest from Paul, because he was getting on my nerves. How can you walk away from this lucky place on top of the world, Paul? What's going on with you, you idiot? How could you let that go, jerk?"
When the Telegraph interviewer suggested that Simon might have a "Napoleon complex", Garfunkel agreed, saying that at school he felt sorry for his friend because of his height, so he in turn offered him friendship as a compensation. "And that compensation gesture has created a monster," he says. "End of interview."
However, Garfunkel did not rule out a future reunion and said that a Simon and Garfunkel show would be "do-able".

Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 5, 2015

Tomorrowland review: Wonder and optimism in the world of Disney

The sequences set in Tomorrowland are pure Disney
For a film made by one of the world's most powerful money-making machines and based on a theme park, Disney's Tomorrowland somehow manages to be a wholehearted tale of optimism in a doom-obsessed society.
Director Brad Bird and his co-writer Damon Lindelof are hardly subtle in the handling of their theme of hope and a better future for us all, but given how utterly miserable the world can often seem, maybe a blunt-force effort to shake a little inspiration out of us should be given a bye.
I had high expectations for this in large part due to Bird (whose previous work includes The Incredibles and The Iron Giant) and George Clooney in one of his very few summer blockbuster roles.
What gave me cause for concern however was Lindelof, who has become known – through Prometheus and Lost – for stories that don't answer the questions they set up. My hope was that Bird would be able to drill any of this out of the script, and he duly has – offering a thematically tight film with satisfying and interesting answers.
In spite of tying all the threads together well, the final third still manages to fall flat thanks to a mix of bland action, drawn out exposition and Hugh Laurie's undercooked villain. It's a crying shame, because everything up until that point is pretty great, even bordering on fantastic.
George Clooney
George Clooney is at the top of his game in Tomorrowland
We begin with Clooney's character Frank Walker – an inventor who as a child was led to a hidden dimension called Tomorrowland in which the world's best and brightest are free to create all manner of awe-inspiring technology. A sort of Mensa-verse.
Eventually exiled, Walker lives alone, gestating in his own broken dreams until a teenager called Casey Newton (Britt Robertson) arrives on his doorstep demanding answers. She too has glimpsed Tomorrowland, and learns that she might be the last chance to save it.
Both Clooney and Robertson are excellent, their chemistry proving instantly entertaining. Young British actress Raffey Cassidy - as the third of this heroic trio – is also great as the person orchestrating this final attempt to save the day.
Credit should be heaped on Lindelof and Bird for the characterisation of their leads, in particular Robertson's Casey - who is confident, self-motivated and not bogged-down by a romantic sub-plot that some other studios might have been insistent on. There a "love story" of sorts in the film, but it's unexpected, unique and handled deftly - a rarity in modern blockbusters. 
The first hour and a half is raucously entertaining, highlighted by excursions into the titular futuristic cityscape and an Easter-egg laden action sequence in a toy shop. If instilling a sense of wonder was the aim, Bird certainly achieved his goal.
Britt Robertson is a name you'll be hearing a lot more of in the future
The irony is that the film's problems arise once the characters finally reach their destination. Not because what we see is any less impressive, but because the film stops asking questions and starts answering them – then rounds all that off with a climactic scene dreamt up long after the once-plentiful ideas-well has run dry.
What struck me in particular were the plot threads that were ignored, but which could have been further explored once Nix's plan is revealed. We hear that the treasures of Tomorrowland were once expected to be opened up to help the wider world, but it never happened and that's the last we hear of it.
Ripe fruit was right there to be picked but instead the villain's grand plan is tepid, and undermines the character Laurie tries hard to make work with the occasional flourish.
The message of Brad Bird's latest is admirable and delivered well – hoping to inspire young generations and shoot some life into the notion of optimism that cinema should really be all about. Any film that takes a crack at pessimism is worth paying attention to, and while it may stumble towards its conclusion, for the most part Tomorrowland is a hell of a ride.

Feeling Myself music video: Kylie Jenner and Nicki Minaj slam feud rumours after Tyga romance 'dig'

Kendall Jenner and Tyga
Kylie Jenner and Tyga have denied the dating rumours for almost a year
It was the feud that reportedly erupted over a Givenchy T-shirt but Kylie Jenner and Nicki Minaj could not have made it clearer that there is no row between them.
Anaconda hitmaker Minaj was accused of slamming rapper Tyga for his alleged romance with Kylie by wearing a "Pervert 17" baseball jersey in her Feeling Myself video with Beyonce.
However, Minaj, 32, and the 17-year-old reality star have set the record straight on Twitter.
In a Vine taken at the recent 2015 Billboard Music Awards, Kylie and her sister Kendall Jenner admit they would like to swap bodies with Minaj and Beyonce for a day.
Clearly shutting down the feud rumours, Minaj shared this clip on her Twitter account, to which Kylie replied with a heart emoji.
Shortly after the music video premiered, fans speculated that the Starships rapper disapproved of Tyga and Kylie's alleged relationship.
A source also claimed that Tyga was teaming up with Kanye West to make a "diss record" aimed at the Young Money star.
The source told Hollywood Life: "Kanye is taking [the insult against Kylie and Tyga] personally. He's sick and tired of people attacking Tyga and Kylie's relationship and he's not about to let Nicki get away with it by being so outright rude in her video."
Alleging that the track would be masterminded by Kylie's brother-in-law West, the insider added: "He plans on retaliating with a song that will diss all the haters, including Nicki, Amber Rose and Blac Chyna."
The reported "Pervert 17" jab has since been discredited by eagle-eyed social media users.
The baseball jersey is actually a design by fashion house Givenchy while singer Janet Jackson wore a similar design to the MTV Video Music Awards in 1995.